What is a sound bath?
A sound bath, or sound journey, is guided meditation and performance with transformative instruments, held in a safe, comfortable setting. To experience these tapestries of sound and focus can be both therapeutic and transcendental.
Our journeys are both live or virtual events that use an alchemical mix of composed and curated sounds and instruments to construct an expansive spatial soundscape. These are played near and around you—activating the space, and resonating with specific areas of your body. With this immersion you can sense, feel and/or imagine the vibrations; and listen to their melodies, harmonies and gentle rhythms. To participate you can be sitting or laying down on the ground, or on a comfy chair.
Our practice combines this sonic experience with breath work and other vocalizations like vocal toning, a targeted humming-like practice; pranayama breath work, and bija mantras to energize internal areas of the subtle body and to generate awareness and presence.
Yidaki (Didjeridu), Hand Drums, Vocals, +
Crystal Bells & Bowls
What is our sound body?
Your sound body is the dynamic, psycho-acoustical relationship between sounds, stillness, the space, and you, the listener. Every session includes interaction with musical elements of layered harmony, rhythm, and melody—all composed in a manner to expand and enhance awareness of yourself and your surroundings.
While everyone’s experience varies, these practices have been known to help to reduce cortisol levels, calm nerves, stimulate the production of beneficial nitric oxide, lower blood pressure, reduce heart rate and allow one to quickly reach calmer brain waves states. On a neurological level, they have a net positive effect on the processes within the circuit flow of your brain. This enables you to enter deep relaxation. Many find they can focus better, reset emotions, feel more present and be inspired to expand their own creative abilities.
Come journey with these sounds!
We use many sound objects and instruments. Some you might hear include a Burmese wind gong and a Broder Oetken 36” custom symphonic gong to activate all spaces. Himalayan singing bowls to produce exotic, lush, tapestries of overtones and harmonics. Our rare collection of vintage quartz crystal bowls is one of the oldest and most extensive of its kind. Alchemy crystal, these shimmering bowls originated from the first clear crystal bowls, which were hand made for Daniel Lauter in the mid 80’s! Aboriginal Yidaki, Didjeridu one of the world’s oldest instruments, played by circular breathing… deep, pulsating, sounds of the earth! Columbian Ocarina, Enchanted melodic Tongue Drum & Handpan, Rainsticks, and Sanskrit mantras, Vocal Toning, with Eastern Indian Shruti, textural global & house beat mixes, Taos drum, Gourd Rattles, Wind Chimes, spatious soulful saxophones.
Want to dive deeper? Guided meditations here!
Specializing in wellness practices that are great for stress reduction, insomnia, lessening of anxiety, maintaining emotional equanimity, better focus, observing impulsiveness, feeling joyful and getting the most out of every moment in your life!