Heart Sutra Mantra, Feb 8th 🪷

Transcend to the Pure Land through 30 minutes of Heart Sutra Mantra, with Daniel on Vocals and Shruti. Enjoy these beautiful and soothing virtual sessions in the privacy and comfort of your home. Align mind and body for personal transformation and awareness, or to put you in a state of calm for the evening and to get a restful sleep!

In the tantras there are yoga, mantra, and meditation.

This is Heart Sutra Mantra.

In Sanskrit:

‘Gate Gate Pāragate Pārasamgate Bodhi Svāhā’

English Translation:

‘Like this'
Gone gone, gone beyond, everyone gone to the other shore, awakening, so be it.

You will experience this short form mantra as well as the Perfection of Wisdom in a Single Letter, ‘AH’,
considered to be the seed syllable which contains all other sound!

Heart Sutra is the single most recited mantra in Eastern Buddhism, central to the heart of Mahayana teachings. In Buddhist psychology, mind and heart are often described by one word- “citta,”meaning" to perceive. It is all that is perceived. And this is the central point of this beautifully chanted Sutra.

The Heart Sutra Mantra purifies you from inside so you can experience clarity outside. It brings benefits of reducing stress and has the power to purify all the mental negativities, your senses are purified, you can see clearly things you have not seen.

Prajñāpāramitā, is a goddess, the Heart of the ‘Perfection of Wisdom’. The ultimate purpose of her Heart Sutra is to attain enlightenment. Chanting Heart Sutra mantra aligns with the bodhisatva vow to reach complete buddhahood for self and the benefit of all sentient beings, to go beyond samsara and nirvana, to awaken the heart!


Wednesday Eve’s @ 8:00 PM 1st pilot date 2/8/23. Stay tuned for more dates, tbd

Sounds from the Sutras

  • Use earbuds or headphones, if you have, for best audio experience. 🎧

  • You can sit, lay down or be on a yoga mat, comfy couch, of your choosing.

  • When you join the Zoom live stream your own video and audio mic will be set to off. Please leave it set like that. In this way you are also free to do mantra in your home! 😊

  • Live stream sessions exchange, suggested $10-20, or as able.
    Please see Venmo and Paypal links below. 🙏

  • Please lmk if you would like to join and register in advance if you can, as we are starting this from the ground floor up mailto:daniel.meditationdj@gmail.com

  • This is the link: https://us04web.zoom.us/j/4204452581

  • If you need to contact us prior to the stream, please email, and once live, please use the chat feature. 🦉



Thank you for supporting live music. Mantra empowers body, speech and mind! 🪷

Prajñāpāramitā image courtesy of digital thangka